Arthritis,ACL tear,Post Surgery
Introducing Lovepluspet - Dog Knee Brace For Torn Acl
This Brand DOGLEMI dog knee brace helps dogs with lameness and joint pain improve their quality of life. Knee braces reduce pain and swelling by improving the balance between related muscle groups. Improved flexibility in tight muscles allows dogs to quickly return to normal walking. The brace is both elastic and stabilizing, and the slight pressure of compressing the fabric relieves the burden on the joint and increases the stability of the joint, preventing the injury from developing into a more serious condition. This knee brace also has the effect of heat preservation, promotes blood circulation, and promotes the recovery of wounds.Below are more detailed product descriptions, measurements, and how to use them.
Do CCL braces work for dogs?
Fitting your dog for a brace can be beneficial for a dog healing from an injury and an effective preventative treatment to avoid injuries. A brace adds support and stabilization, especially if the CCL or other ligaments have become damaged.
Suitable conditions
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Product No.
Dog Knee Brace For Torn Acl
ACL Tear , Strain or Sprain of The Knee Joint , Back Leg Limping, Instability, or Fatigue , Post-operative Support, Arthritis, Knee Stabilization
Small,Medium,Large Dogs
Body Part
Four Legs, right & left rear & front
Clean & Care
Hand Wash Recommended
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