LOVEPLUSPET | Donation Activity for Dogs | Dog Rear Harness with Handle for Lifting

Sep 28, 2023 140 0
LOVEPLUSPET | Donation Activity for Dogs | Dog Rear Harness with Handle for Lifting


Lovepluspet has been committed to helping all dogs in need. Dogs are our most loyal friends, they love us unconditionally and are always loyal to us. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, dogs are always there to offer companionship and support. Dogs become our best friends with their unconditional love, loyalty, and emotional support. They bring joy, companionship and meet our needs in our lives, making us feel happy and content. The Lovepluspet donation event is to donate inappropriate sizes to help more dog friends and show a little love from us.

Lovepluspet Dog Rear Harness with Handle for Lifting

For the best support and comfort for both you and your pets, the LOVEPLUSPET dog rear harness with handle for lifting is made of PU cotton. This harness is simple to use for outside strolling, assistance with stairs or into the car, and any situation where an elderly or crippled pet requires assistance. The harness allows pets to urinate and feces without restriction.

Dog Rear Harness with Handle for Lifting