Donation from LOVEPLUSPET to New Hope Pet Rescue

Jan 09, 2024 73 0
Donation from LOVEPLUSPET to New Hope Pet Rescue


In a world where our furry companions bring us endless joy and unconditional love, it becomes our responsibility to ensure their well-being and happiness. At Lovepluspet, we embark on a meaningful journey to serve the needs of dogs who need our support Life makes a difference. So we launched a program to donate ill-fitting braces. This program is a testament to our unwavering commitment to supporting dogs in need. This move is in line with Lovepluspet’s wider commitment to raising the standard of care for all dogs. We believe that every dog should have the opportunity to live a happy and healthy life, no matter their circumstances. Let us spread love, actively donate inappropriate sizes to help more dogs in need, and bring positive changes to the world of our loyal and loving canine friends.

Lovepluspet Dog Knee Brace

Lovepluspet has launched a hinged dog leg brace to provide optimal support for dogs with rear leg challenges. This durable and adjustable stand ensures advanced stability, making it a game changer for enhanced mobility and a happier lifestyle. The hinged dog leg brace can help and support dogs with lameness and joint pain, easing the burden on your dog's life. In addition, the design of reflective strips makes your dog safer at night and rainy days.

Hinged Dog Leg Brace